Montag, 23. Januar 2012

Neuer Post von einer in English-denkenden-Person ! *YAY*

Hello people ! :)
I'm really sorry! My last post was like 10 days ago. . . . uuups. .

Who cares ?! :D just kidding

Okay. . . nothing really important happend. I had normal schooldays and i wished i could lay in my bed the whole day! I'm so tired all the time. . .

Last week monday, we had off school and Tori, Jen & me went to the Mall to buy some stuff for Quebec. . .i'm so excited! After that i freaked out because i saw. . . . .ALDI !!!!! In America :D thats to funny ;D
Of course we went to Aldi and i bought German chocolate. . .
These people here are really crazy. . .i mean GERMAN CHOCOLATE in ALDI in AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm sorry. . .but it's  AALLDDII!!!!

okay. . .after that we got home and we watched a movie ( i forgot the name but it was with Selena Gomez or something like this! :D)

oh and right now i realized that i was writing in German. . .äh English
. .and i used  a 'ä'. . . .

so jetzt wieder Deutsch ( wenn ich es noch hinbekomme! :D)

Gerade eben habe ich 'the Raven' geschaut. . . .ganz ehrlich..ich habe noch nie so einen dummen Film geschaut. Näää  maybe 'the Hostle'. .das war ziemlich nievaulos. . . .aber 'the Raven' ist schon very old and poeple always say that alte Filme are good!

Whatever!. . . .Maren hat ein riesen POPO!
Damit verabschiede ich mich auch!
Wie immer viele kisses und grüße!
Clära :)♥


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